BiotiQuest® Gut Health &
Probiotics Blog with Martha Carlin

#265 There's a Microbe for that! w/Martha Carlin by Stuff Your Doctor Should Know

#265 There's a Microbe for that! w/Martha Carli...

Martha Carlin | Jun 23, 2024 | Podcast

Martha Carlin’s passion for solving complex health problems comes from the heart as well as her mind. Her relentless pursuit to understand our growing health challenges has led her on...

#265 There's a Microbe for that! w/Martha Carli...

Martha Carlin | Jun 23, 2024 | Podcast

Martha Carlin’s passion for solving complex health problems comes from the heart as well as her mind. Her relentless pursuit to understand our growing health challenges has led her on the path to becoming a respected citizen scientist in the...

Can Saffron Make You Sleep Better?

Can Saffron Make You Sleep Better?

Martha Carlin | Feb 02, 2023 | 6 minutes read

Sleep is one of the most important healing and energizing tools you have in your health kit. As stressful lifestyles and existing health conditions make sleeping difficult, ways to improve...

Can Saffron Make You Sleep Better?

Martha Carlin | Feb 02, 2023 | 6 minutes read

Sleep is one of the most important healing and energizing tools you have in your health kit. As stressful lifestyles and existing health conditions make sleeping difficult, ways to improve sleep duration and quality are on the rise. One such...

probiotics sleep
Feeling Tired? Prebiotics May Help You Sleep Peacefully Every Night

Feeling Tired? Prebiotics May Help You Sleep Pe...

Martha Carlin | Feb 02, 2023 | 6 minutes read

Waking up tired, dealing with persistent dark circles, or feeling sick or anxious can indicate poor sleep quality and affect your physical health. Getting a good night's sleep is essential...

Feeling Tired? Prebiotics May Help You Sleep Pe...

Martha Carlin | Feb 02, 2023 | 6 minutes read

Waking up tired, dealing with persistent dark circles, or feeling sick or anxious can indicate poor sleep quality and affect your physical health. Getting a good night's sleep is essential to your well-being and gut health. As you sleep, your...

probiotics sleep
Probiotics for Sleep: The Key to Restful Nights and Rejuvenated Mornings

Probiotics for Sleep: The Key to Restful Nights...

Martha Carlin | Jun 09, 2022 | 6 minutes read

Current research shows a connection between the gut microbiome and sleep patterns, and evidence suggests that improving your gut's healthy bacteria can lead to more restful sleep. Read on to discover...

Probiotics for Sleep: The Key to Restful Nights...

Martha Carlin | Jun 09, 2022 | 6 minutes read

Current research shows a connection between the gut microbiome and sleep patterns, and evidence suggests that improving your gut's healthy bacteria can lead to more restful sleep. Read on to discover how probiotics for sleep can help lower your stress, activate...

probiotics sleep
improve gut health for better sleep

Not Sleeping Well? The Answer May Be in Your Gut

Martha Carlin | May 27, 2022 | 7 minutes read

Up to 70 million Americans struggle with sleeping, according to research by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It’s a critical issue, as sleep is one of the...

Not Sleeping Well? The Answer May Be in Your Gut

Martha Carlin | May 27, 2022 | 7 minutes read

Up to 70 million Americans struggle with sleeping, according to research by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It’s a critical issue, as sleep is one of the most important pillars of good health. If you’re not getting...

probiotics sleep
what happens to brain when sleeping

Sleep is When Our Brain Takes Out the Trash

Martha Carlin | Mar 16, 2021 | 2 minutes read

So many people I talk to these days are struggling with sleep problems: trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or nightmares, and unrestful sleep to name a few issues. Sleep is...

Sleep is When Our Brain Takes Out the Trash

Martha Carlin | Mar 16, 2021 | 2 minutes read

So many people I talk to these days are struggling with sleep problems: trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or nightmares, and unrestful sleep to name a few issues. Sleep is one of the most important things to our overall health....

probiotics sleep