BiotiQuest® Gut Health & Probiotics Blog with Martha Carlin

Business Leaders Podcast: The Story of BiotiQuest and Leading with Teenacity, Creativity and Adaptability

Martha Carlin | Nov 18, 2020 | Podcast

I am honored to be named a 2020 Titan100 by TITAN CEO, which recognizes a premier group of 100 CEO’s and C-level executives in the Colorado metropolitan area!

I was recently interviewed on the Business Leaders Podcast by Bob Roark and Jaime Zawmon about leadership and thoroughly enjoyed our conversation.We discuss what I believe are the key characteristics that it takes to be considered a titan of industry of tenacity, creativity and adaptability, as well as the story of BiotiQuest.

Click here to listen to the episode, or watch the interview below!

With gratitude,

Martha Carlin photo Martha Carlin, is a “Citizen Scientist”, systems thinker, wife of Parkinson’s warrior, John Carlin, and founder of The BioCollective , a microbiome company expanding the reach of science and BiotiQuest, the first of it’s kind probiotic line. Since John’s diagnosis in 2002, Martha began learning the science of agriculture, nutrition, environment, infectious disease, Parkinson’s pathology and much more. In 2014, when the first research was published showing a connection between the gut bacteria and the two phenotypes of Parkinson’s, Martha quit her former career as a business turnaround expert and founded The BioCollective to accelerate the discovery of the impact of gut health on all human disease. Martha was a speaker at the White House 2016 Microbiome Initiative launch, challenging the scientific community to “think in a broader context”. Her systems thinking background and experience has led to collaborations across the scientific spectrum from neuroscience to engineering to infectious disease. She is a respected out of the box problem solver in the microbiome field and brings a unique perspective to helping others understand the connections from the soil to the food to our guts and our brains.

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