Beyond Sugar Freedom Podcast: Understanding how Microbiome can help heal disease with Martha Carlin
by Martha Carlin May 21, 2024
Did you know that your body is made up of more microbes than actual human cells??? Meaning that you’re more bacteria than you are human!
Catch Martha Carlin, a Microbiome expert, to shed some major light on how we’ve been damaging our microbiome and how we can harness the power of certain strains to heal from disease!
When we think about healthy relationships, we often focus on communication, shared values, or emotional intelligence. But what if the foundation for these connections lies not just in our hearts or minds, but deep within our guts? As someone who has spent over two decades exploring the hidden world of microbes, both professionally and personally, I've come to realize that the microbiome—the vast community of microbes living in and on us—plays a surprising and powerful role in shaping our social bonds, emotional well-being, and even our attraction to others.
With Valentine's Day approaching, I thought I'd share a delicious and gut-friendly recipe for probiotic chocolate truffles with non-GMO dextrose to share with others or enjoy for yourself. It's a great healthy option to try instead of the standard chocolate you'll find at the grocery store that's full of sugar or artificial sweeteners and other additives.
Dr. Brandon Crawford and microbiome researcher Martha Carlin explore the intricate connections between gut health, the environment, and overall wellness.